Emoji database

Welcome to my free emoji database! You know how people with Discord Nitro can use whichever emoji they like on every server? Nitro is very expensive and not everybody can afford it, so I came up with a solution. I offer easy to remember and use links to emojis, listed bellow.

How to use it?

Every image has a prefix https://emojis.cz/ for technical reasons (because otherwise it woudn't be a link) followed by emoji name. You can use name listed in table under "Name", but compatible names like "packpng" or "pack" for "pack.png" are also possible. You can come up with those alternatives from regex. Full path is then something like https://emojis.cz/kekw. insert guide with screenshots here

List of all emojis:

Name Image Regex Usage
duckroll duckroll?
kekw kekw?
pack.png pack(\.?png)?
rickroll rick(astley|roll?)?
spam spam
ToS (tos|terms)
shut shut(please)?
this this
doge doge
sus sus
urc (urc|uno|reverse|nou)Vote for favourite colo(u)r using email!
among us amon?g[\ -_]?us fun fact: default name != linked image by this site
trash (trash|garbage|bin) smaller than others (29 × 32)
kyv ky[vf]

Contact me

Currently only email address other@emojis.cz is available. Use it for anything including emoji requests, questions, offers, bugs, spelling mistakes, ... Email address is currently unavailable, use mwg17p7la@mozmail.com instead.



If you want more, or if some address is invalid, contact me!


I will add more ways to donate whenever I find some easy way. If you have an idea, contact me.